Sunday, September 4, 2011

Last Post forever

Hey everyone I'm not returning Real Life is better that means I wont play Club Penguin that much anymore I wont tweet any tweets I gave my account to Oreo.Well if you want to know why it's because I'm happier in the real world I got a GF I made new friends School work is going to kill me Ik so I wont have time.
Well the people under I want to thank for being a friend

Evreyone :D

I might come back if I my GF breaks up with me or I lose friends.Doubt it will happened So Keep it that way. Well peace

Friday, September 2, 2011

Heading to Retirement island

Hello everyone,
Today I must retire Because I can't be spending all my time on Twitter and Club Penguin.So This will be the last time I post here.When I come back I will be better at GFX Better at blogging and new blog and more.Possible Places you could find me when Im not here:
I will be making GFX for:

I will be chatting on:

I gave my Account to @oreo682 All tweets will be him to October 9th.

To show you really where I'm going which is a lot better place then Club Penguin and Twitter here's a map of it:

Retirement island is awesome nothing bad no drama no fighting Ill love it.I will get back on my Birthday.
Under are all the people I will miss and were my friends:

and many more.So I will also see you later on.When I'm gone I'll be accomplishing more stuff in the real world like Get good Grades meet new friends and all boys most wanted get a Girlfriend.So yeah see you to then Bye.

Monday, August 29, 2011

First Party also read note after the time

Hello everyone it's Simon I'm having my first party on club penguin on Sherbert Dock.


2:00 EST
1:00 CST
12:00 MST
11:00 PST
Comment if you can make it or @ me on twitter saying you can come or not. Also if No one Comes I'm giving my site out and my twitter so someone needs to come.

Club Penguin New Featured Igloo

Hello everyone today Club Penguin released a New Featured Igloo on there Community blog.It was made by poipote.
Congrats Poipote here's the igloo he made:

I think the Igloo is cool what do you think leave a comment of what you think?

Sunday, August 28, 2011

I'm back

Hey everyone I'm back so I will post cheats again as soon as Club Penguin Relases a Update.Also The site almost has 800 hits

Friday, August 26, 2011

Goodbye to friday

Hello everyone if you had read my last tweet which was today you will know why I'm leaving for a week well bye see you on Friday.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Great Snow Race cheats and new Pin

Hello everyone,
Today the Great Snow Race came out so there was a new pin and the party.Here is the new pin:
It's a Polar Bear Paw.I think this pin is really cool what do you think.Now on to the Great Snow Race.
So here we are at the Front of the Ski hill you want to go in to the sign where it says Great Snow Race:

You go in there's a items shop right next to you when you walk you need supplises to survivve the mountain I would buy some.Here's the items:

Ok now go to the Sign where it says Half Pipe:Now you have to finsh the puzzle that's on the first Part it's just like last year click the ice that's hanging on the wall:You just have to click everyone then when your done you will be at the Base Camp:
Now your halfway at the Base camp you must keep going go up the hill.
Then when you go up and your a EPF agent go to the right there's sign that says For EPF only in there is the new Field Ops and also a new Item:Also go down to the attenna and there's a field ops.Now there's a little passage you go to that and put on the Free EPF helmet it shows you where the laser are.This is the laser maze you must get to the hole with the ladder then your downstairs and you have to get the Key.

Now your at the Level that has the door you go there and then you take out the Things at the wall with snow balls.
Then your Goal is to build a Ac 3000 around it like the one above.Then you will get the AC 3000 stamp.

Now were back to where we started the Epf only thing click the leaf and then click it three more times t get the snow off.Then get the AX top cut down the tree

Now you cut down the tree snow balls at the ice and it will make the tree go flying over to the tube thing go on that and your at the top of the mountain:

Your at the Top theres a free hat and you can go Sled Racing:

I hope you liked the party cause I did but it was hard.Leave a comment on what you think.